My Creative Space: How to Design Your Home to Stimulate Ideas and Spark Innovation (New, signed by the author)

My Creative Space: How to Design Your Home to Stimulate Ideas and Spark Innovation (New, signed by the author)
48 Science-backed Techniques to Boost Your Creativity at Home
Creativity isn't all in your head. Sometimes it comes from what's around you — especially when you're at home.
For over twenty years, scientists have been discovering connections between our physical surroundings and the creative mind. Written by a noted architect, the multi-award winning* My Creative Space is the first book to turn this rich trove of psychological research into practical techniques for shaping your home for maximum creativity.
Here's a sampling of the techniques you'll learn about:
Which colors lead to peak creative performance
How furnishings influence idea flow
Pros and cons of messy versus neat environments
Optimal lighting and noise levels for achieving breakthrough insights
How memorabilia can break creative logjams
Why ceiling height matters
Which home-based activities enhance creative problem solving
And more
Illustrating the book's 48 techniques are over 200 high-quality photos of interiors from around the world, many the work of top-tier architects, designers, and at-home creatives.
Whether you pursue creativity for pleasure or profit, work from home part- or full-time, whether you're a writer, entrepreneur, creative professional, artist, crafter, or simply enjoy being inventive, this book will help you do it better. No prior expertise in design or psychology required!
*Gold Award, Nonfiction Authors Association; First Place, Chanticleer Instruction & Insight Awards; Silver Medal, Nautilus Book Awards; Home & Garden Category Winner, American Bookfest Awards; Home Category Honorable Mention, Eric Hoffer Awards; Winner, Home & Garden and Interior Design Categories; #1 Best Seller and #1 New Release, Amazon
Hardcover: 288 pages. Condition: New. Publisher: Skyhorse (October 15, 2019). Language: English. ISBN-10: 1510736719. ISBN-13: 978-1510736719. Product Dimensions: 8 x 1.2 x 10 inches. Shipping Weight: 2.9 pounds. All shipping by USPS Media Mail.